AbstraDEX products

AbstraDEX Swap

Trade without limits. AbstraDEX Swap enables users to exchange various tokens quickly and efficiently. With a user-friendly interface and low transaction fees, users will experience unrestricted trading like never before.

AbstraDEX Liquidity

Be a part of community strength. Add your liquidity to the AbstraDEX Liquidity Pool to contribute to the trading process and receive benefits from the network's growth.

AbstraDEX Yield Farming

Our agricultural prowess continually creates new income opportunities. Join AbstraDEX Farms to earn high profits by utilizing your assets and supporting ecosystem development.

AbstraDEX Staking

Take control of your digital assets with AbstraDEX Staking. Stake your tokens to earn attractive returns over time. Simultaneously, contributes to the stability and security on Web3 space.

AbstraDEX Cross-swap

AbstraDEX introduces its groundbreaking Cross-Swap feature, revolutionizing the way users exchange assets across different blockchain networks. With Cross-Swap, users can seamlessly convert their assets between Zetachain, BTC, and EVM chains using the innovative Omnichain technology.

AbstraDEX Launch

A launchpad for DeFi projects to launch tokens and access community funding, AbstraDEX Launch operates on a multi-chain infrastructure, diversifying user access to potential projects.

AbstraDEX NFTs

Owning NFTs provides users with access to all products within the AbstraDEX ecosystem, enhancing the platform's experiential aspects. Additionally, users can reap substantial profits from their NFT investments.

AbstraDEX is committed to providing the user community with the best experience through a modern interface, low transaction fees, and top-notch security. We continuously review and update to ensure that AbstraDEX consistently meets and exceeds user expectations.

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